Kootenai Pets for Life Board Meeting September 18, 2025
Attending Linda Andreasen, Juli Hopfer, Chris Boothman, Meagan Hall, Toni Crace Heidi McBride, Tina Green, Marge Sullivan and Sindy Filler.

Sindy called meeting to order at 7:05.

Marge read the notes from the Special Meeting held August 28. Juli made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Meagan. No discussion, voted on and passed.

The maturity date on KPFL CD is coming up. Linda made a motion to reinvest at the best interest rate. Seconded by Marge. Discussion followed, voted and passed. Juli will investigate to find out if another institution has a higher rate and will reinvest at the best rate. Juli gave the Treasurers report. Meagan made a motion to accept report, second by Heidi.
Voted on and passed.

Marge reported she is in the process of cataloging and tagging Bash donations as they come in. We have some great donations. Sell tickets. Marge has tickets, the Shelter has tickets and the Chamber of Commerce has tickets as well as KPFL volunteers. Buy your tickets.

Chris gave a report on the Extension (old County). The hearing on the 11 dogs was postponed so no resolution on that. Currently there are 15 dogs and 25 cats housed at Extension with 15 adoptable cats and 10 feral. The feral will be spayed or neutered and returned to original environment. Work is in progress with County. The are working on single outdoor runs. They are working with LOR Foundation. Animal control needs to be more forthcoming with information on the background of animals brought in (biting, etc,). The chain of command needs to be determined. Chris and Juli will check on this. Meagan suggested to red tag aggressive dog kennels. There is no place to house a dangerous dog at the County and there is need for one kennel to be set up for a dangerous dog.

Meagan reported there were 19 adoptions in August - 3 dogs and 16 cats. One Dog is in foster to adopt and one in emergency shelter. We took in 9 cats and 2 dogs. Hunter was returned. Heidi will step up to cover for Meagan when she is has time off October 18-31. She will check to see if Tyler Boothman would be able to help also.

Spay/Neuter in Bonners Ferry on October 12 and tentative Spay/Neuter at KPFL on October 7
and 8.

Several dogs have gone over the top on the fence so Meagan has someone coming to give a quote on adding fence toppers - an extension tilting in at the top of the fence. Megan and Heidi will present findings at next meeting.

There is an overload of cans at the Senior Center with no available volunteers to transfer cans, Linda will put up a sign at the sight and ask Seniors to start bringing cans out to KPFL Shelter area for cans. We will work on clearing the Senior site out and eliminating it.

Monitoring of the phone was discussed. When Meagan is not there Heidi will listen to message and write down times and needs in book. Whoever is in hold write down messages. If it is something Linda should check on, snap a photo of book and text to Linda please.

Sindy asked for committees and they are By Laws - Juli and Marge and Linda and Toni for - Juli will investigate County reimbursement for spay/neuter. 

Tina and Meagan will work on public appearances by KPFL volunteers and animals.

Discussion on whether or not to separate S/N finances from general account. Decision was to leave as is for now.

Owner Turn In was discussed. More attention needs to be paid to this information as adoptions are made. We must also remember to ask people calling and wanting to turn in an animal where they live. We should only be taking Lincoln County pets.

Pet listings on Facebook was discussed. It was decided a more professional listing form should be established. Juli will set up guidelines .

Meagan will write up a protocol for transfer of dogs or cats from the Extension to KPFL. The lines between KPFL and Extension should be respected.

Juli and Toni suggested a place to store fencing materials at KPFL site that are surplus to others but could be used by those in need. No decisions made and nothing should happen until Board agrees.

There are approximately 100 animals on Spay/Neuter wait list. Sindy asked for permission to study S/N system. Marge made a motion that Sindy be given permission to all information to review. Second By Tina. Discussion followed, Vote taken and passed.

Sindy spoke about the need for KPFL to change from a culture of negativity to each volunteer becoming a person of intention. Each person has played a part. We are in rescue mode, if you are part of the problem you will be asked to leave. A toxic environment limits people and the organization and in the end the pets suffer from human choices. Become 100% solution - break the cycle.

Board meeting are mandatory for the Board. Agenda and reports should be emailed to board at least 2 days before meeting, If a member is not abiding by policies the person may be asked to leave until able to get along or Board may approve censure of member who does not follow. Agenda items must be dealt with immediately. Request for agenda must be forwarded one week aead with written proposal to see if will be put on agenda or held off for another meeting. We need to be intentional.

The 10 ground rules for meetings are: 
1. Show up on time and come prepared
2. Stay mentally and physically present
3. Contribute to meeting goals
4. Let everyone participate
5. Listen with an open mind
6. Think before speaking
7. Stay on point and on time
8. Attack the problem, not the person
9. Close decisions and identify action items
10. Record outcome and follow up.
Marge made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Meagan. Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Minutes by Marge Sullivan for Secretary Toni Crace

Special Board Meeting - August 28, 2024, 3:30 at County Shelter
Linda, Deirdre, Juli, Chris, Meagan, Toni Heidi, Tina, Marge 

Teanne will do Chainsaw event solicitation for Bash

Ferel program report.
Meagan will get a list from Katie of people on waiting list for spay/neuter. That will determine future actions as to additional clinics etc.

Juli has made arrangements to have a frost free hydrant installed in the dog area and has purchased a window for the cat room and will have it installed.

KPFL Extension. nickname: “Junior” is new name for old County 
We receive $4,000 from County which is covering our expenses, meds and salaries. Monitoring funds to determine how programs are developing. County Salary for Chris will be $16.50 per hour, 7 hour day, 5 days a week. Twelve hours on
weekend will be 6 hours at $12.50. 
We will continue month to month. Adoptions will follow the same protocol. Use your experience/judgement.

Shelter Boss will no longer be used. We will go directly to Petfinder - voted on and passed. Juli and Meagan will post. Each shelter will post for themselves with distinguishing designation. 

Kootenai Pets For Life Monthly meeting took place on 
July 10, 2024 
The meeting was called to order by President Linda Andreasen at 6:12 p.m. Attending were Linda Andreasen, Katie Tingey, Deirdre Ruark, Elaine Hammer, Megan Hall, Juli Hopfer, Nick Calabrese, Sindy Filler, Toni Crace, Heidi McBride, Tina Green and Marge Sullivan. Linda read the minutes of the June 12the meeting. Deirdre made a motion to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Megan. There was no discussion. Voted on and passed. Juli gave the Treasurers Report. She is in the process of transitioning from the books kept by Sara Sherman to maintaining the books in Shelter. A meeting has been set up between the two to complete transition of all her files on KPFL. A 3.89% CD has been purchased for $150,000 from Shelter funds by Juli and Linda. In order to simplify procedures a Debit Card has been set up to replace the credit card previously used. Linda as President and Juli as Treasurer each have a card and any purchase must go through them. A deposit of $3,387 was made to account with $500 going to Spay/Neuter account. The balance to savings. Juli is working to settle the small bills from the previous credit card used. It is felt that an monthly accountant is no longer need as a volunteer has as Juli has volunteered to do the position. At tax time an accountant will be used. Juli will continue to use Gusto and Sling. Sindy said the would send Juli a form for financial reporting as a guide she could use. Linda received a letter about generator maintenance. Megan will check on what is recommended and who does that work. Megan gave a Shelter Report. There were 11 adoptions in June. A shelter report form is being worked on and will be available for hand out at the next meeting. New Business: Megan reported it has been a stressful month with the intake of a large number of kittens along with defining exactly what decisions are her responsibility. General communication needs to be improved. Lack of reliable volunteers has contributed to difficulties. Transitioning to new procedures is a work in progress. Heidi started as a Shelter worker and has been much needed. Megan reported fencing work is supposed to begin toward the end of July. No definite date has been given. Heidi said there appears to be an infestation of spiders, earwigs etc. in the dog area inside the building. Megan will check and see if there is an animal friendly solution available. Heidi said communication between volunteers and employees is strained at times. Sindy said she would meet with Megan and Heidi and work out some guidelines and hopefully solutions. A post on Facebook asking for a volunteer to pick up cans locally was answered by Douglas and Kathleen Barr. They will pick up cans tomorrow. We also need a volunteer to take cans to Kalispell. The Bow Wow Bash date will be October 19 with Ron Adamson as auctioneer. Marge passed out last years hand out to show those at the meeting who have not attended the Bash before how much is needed to prepare. We will need to find a caterer and we will need volunteers to solicit for auction items starting in September. New Business: Katie Tingey is the new Spay/Neuter Coordinator. She said it was very stressful dealing with a large number of kittens at the last spay/neuter. 7 dogs and approximately 14 cats including 5 kittens were taken care of at the last event. Her focus is to catch up with the list of people that have signed up months ago. She is the only person that can make the list for appointments. If you have questions, contact Katie. Next clinic will be in August for 1 day. Juli reported Toby, -who was sent home with Juli after the last meeting, has separation anxiety plus some other problems but she is working with him Deirdre discussed fees for adoption of small specialty breeds or purebred dogs and felt that the fee should be $300. This includes spay/Neuter, vaccines, & microchipping. Juli made motion that this be adopted. Tina seconded , no discussion, vote, passed. Deirdre will do some research on other fees. Toni facilitated the transport of a total of 16 kittens to Bonners Ferry for spay/neuter. Some of the people helped were able to pay. KPFL ended up paying $200. County Shelter agreement -The County approached and asked for help since Tobacco Valley no longer would do the work after July 1. A temporary agreement was worked out so that KPFL would do the job with a paid employee at the County Shelter. The agreement is with a weekly salary of $1,000 for a time so that the feasibility of taking this on is decided. Chris Boothman has been hired and started on July 5th with 16 dogs at shelter. There are now 11 dogs that have to be held until a court case is scheduled. Volunteers have been busy cleaning and the County has cooperated and fixed many things that were lacking at the County Shelter. The salary is $18 an hour, going in twice a day with up to 6 hours per day, 7 days a week. The agreement was passed out and reviewed. Marge gave a review of by laws as reworked by Juli and Marge. Discussion was held. Marge will do any corrections and mail out to Board for final review and adoption. Sindy would like to have a meeting to review feedback from assessments. She felt a review was needed. Meetings were discussed and decided that the Board will meet monthly in closed sessions. Members wishing to present a proposal or speak are asked to contact the President 5 days ahead of monthly meeting to get on the Agenda. Minutes will be taken and posted on line within a week of each meeting so that all will be aware of what is going on. Nominations for new officers and Board will be made at the November Meeting and the December meeting is the Annual Membership Meeting and everyone is invited and asked to vote on the nominees. Linda stated the Vice President position was open and nominated Marge Sullivan. Deirdre seconded, it was voted on and passed. Microsoft 365 was mentioned and needs some further work. Marge made motion to adjourn, seconded by Heidi, voted on and passed. 
Minutes by Marge Sullivan for Secretary Toni Crace

Kootenai Pets For Life Monthly meeting took place on May 8,2024 at the shelter at 5:00pm
In attendance were Faith Lee, Toni Crace, Linda Andreasen, Mark Andreasen, Megan Hall, Marge Sullivan, Tina Green, Dee Shea, Heidi McBride, Todd Sines, Matt Holcomb Lake, by phone Deirdre Ruark and Sara Sherman Meeting called to order by Faith at 5:00 
Accounting of services by Sara, 30 dollars per hour is her fee to KPFL.  Treasure Report for April Income 12,473.31, Expense 12,109.10, Net income 336.46 Motion to pay bills by Megan 2nd by Toni total of 8584.95. Bills be given 2 to 3 days prior to meeting so we can see what we are approving payment for.  Proposal to change meeting to the 3rd week of the month  Shelter Stats: 5 cat intakes, 0 returns. 4 dog intakes, 1 return. 1 cat adoption, 1 dog adoption. 8 dogs in shelter, 16 in foster, 6 available, 3 on home to home that may need to come in. 25 cats in shelter, 7in foster, 1 still available. 15 cat spays (2 pregnant), 13 neuters, (18 feral), 6 microchips, 15 dog spays (2 pregnant), 11 neuters, 9 microchips 5 exams, 6 other procedure’s. (YTD 118) 72 in May, 46 big S/N LOR provided 2500.00 for material, expenses for vet techs. Discussed more advertising for large S/n clinic. Thank you post in papers, Western News, Tabacco valley, and Montanian. Motion to post article of thank you to papers by Mark Hull 2nd by Todd Sines. List on spay neuter few stragglers from Feb. currently scheduling for March and April, still 100 on the list. Next clinic days 20th and 21st.  Do a year end total for donation banks and thank the places where the banks are and give an accounting for what was raised. Grant writing, Purina up and running, make purchases receive points up to 300 a month toward food purchases, coupons for free food, Juli will follow up with supervisor for more detail.  The greater good interested in working with them and their program, we would be what’s called an Ambassador in the program we could store product and be able to distribute to Tobacco Valley, KPFL, and the community.  Julie reached out to alternative relief on storing product, people would be needed to manage the program and distribution of product would greatly benefit our community and great PR.  Kong toy and vaccinations through Petfinder for the community.  Still need to follow up with Megan on a few other programs.  ASPCA still in the works Juli is working on that. Work on Chewy for donations for projects. Fund raising Best Buds Pizza and do a vaccine clinic, Juli will look into donations of vaccines, Best Buds Pizza,  they are willing to set up and donate 1 dollar per pizza sold, open house with games, Faith reached out to Jordon’s way waiting on return call, 4 hours raised 11 something in donations, Faith interested in doing Indian fry bread tacos sale possibly set up at farmers market there is a donated spot and Megan will follow up on the duration etc for the spot, could sell all kinds of things at it.  Tina offered to set up a table etc for KPFL for various uses.  New volunteer meeting Megan said there are 6 new people, she says there is one that has access to people to come in and do projects at the shelter, Megan will talk with whoever it is on Saturday.  Set up a suggestion box.  Cat food is not locked up anymore, all other items have been moved out of the office so she can lock the door.  CD rollover Lincoln County rollover for 1 year at 4.5 percent, Edward Jones for 5.2 percent, possibly set up short term and long term,  tabling financials for a special meeting to go over budget etc,  within 2 weeks.  Motion for special meeting by Juli seconded by Toni, attendance can be any interested member. Faith said she would send out an email with dates next day. Add on shed or reorganize space to open shed space. Dog kennels fencing need to be fixed and repaired, what supplies are needed etc, Megan is to get a estimate of material cost from whoever the guy is that will do the repairs. Motion to fix the fence by Megan and 2nd by Linda. Feral cat programs so far KPFL has sponsored 18 cats, by talking with people we have several folks stepping up an doing their own now by showing them the options. I have a list of the people we are helping and approx. number of cats they have, we are helping by lending traps for trapping as well. Most of these people did not create the problem they inherited it, we are helping trap and transport if need be.  Upgrade for website 129. per year all agreed it is a much better deal, easier to deal with, it is a more typical program being utilized by other shelters as well. Motion to update Webpage by Tina 2nd Todd.   Motion for 2nd special meeting by Juli 2nd by Linda.  Faith is dealing with original owner re Zena     Secretary, Toni Crace   

Kootenai Pets For Life Monthly Meeting Took Place on April 10,2024 at the shelter at 5:00pm.   
Attending were Linda Andreasen, Juli Hopfer, Toni Crace, Matthew Holcomb Lake, Megan Hall, Marge Sullivan, Tina Green and by phone Deirdre Ruark and Sara Sherman.   The meeting was called to order at 5:05 by Board member Linda Andreasen   All agreed its not necessary to read the previous months meeting minutes   Megan gave shelter stats: 1 cat intake, 7 dog intakes, 3 cat and 2 dog adoptions, 6 dogs in shelter, 10 dongs in fosters, 17 cats in shelter, 6 in foster, 1 available (27 cats total) 6 cat spays 1 was pregnant, 1 neuter, 3 microchips 5 dog spays, 4 neuters, 6 microchips 27 exams (15 dogs, 12 cats 6 were follow ups) 3 dentals 22 total, 10 cats/12 dogs other procedures (YTD 57) spay/neuter YTD 44 Cat adoptions with 2 returned YTD 42 Dog adoptions with 1 returned Juli requested additional breakdown of how many are KPFL vs Clients.   Discussed breakdowns and financial reports, Sara said they would be sent out in the evening after the meeting March income of 2466. expenses 7984, net loss of 5519 Total bills 4751. Dr. Hawkins was 1675. Salary expenses 4665. Will be getting a breakdown of expenses.  Motion to pay bills passed by Linda and Megan.   All agreed to do away with breakdown of fundraising, would be in the treasures report.   Discussed change of open days to Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12-5 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday by appointment. Matt and Megan worked out their schedule to cover off hour care.   Juli and Megan will discuss grants.   Recruitment drive at the farmers market, Megan will talk with Deb Fry Vendors market talk with Randy, she is willing to pay for a booth and offer education, volunteer recruitment, etc. Tina discussed setting up a booth next to her for KPFL.   Can recycling is going to be hauled by Chuck Ekstedt  for KPFL.   Paid employees do they have job descriptions? They have them. Megan said she wanted to learn everything and then decide how much and what she would be able to handle. Her pay is 16 dollars an hour and Matts is 13.  Megan’s supervisor is Faith and Matts is Megan. All agreed that the board members should be supervisors. They should have performance evaluations, and feedback for their job performance.   There should be a list of Faiths duties and it needs to be shared in order to have others that can pick up the slack.   Megan did the waiting list for spay/neuter people need to be contacted to see if people are still needing services.   Spay/neuter needs to be separate and handled by 1 or 2 people, all agreed Faith has that system handled well and should continue to do it with another person so there is backup.   Additional board member Tina Green was nominated by Megan and seconded by Linda she will be acting board member until the end of the term.   Bylaws were discussed and whether changes were filed with the state, do not believe they were.  Need to locate the originals, Megan said she would find them.   Motion to adjourn the meeting by Marge second by Megan, voted and passed at 6:20   Toni Crace, Secretary       

Kootenai Pets For Life Monthly Meeting took place on March 13,2024  at the shelter at 5:00pm.   
Attending were Faith Lee, Megan Hall, Juli Hopfer, Sara Sherman, Toni Crace, Heidi McBride, Dee Shea, Matthew Holcomb Lake, Linda Andreasen, Tina Green, Marge Sullivan and by phone Deirdre Ruark. The meeting was called to order at 5:10 by President Faith Lee.   1. Marge read the minutes from the last meeting. Faith took exception to the exception of last week that stated “there was no consensus of the voting members and there was no vote taken” and wanted entered a paragraph from an e-mail dated January 16, 2024, that was sent to 24 volunteer email addresses which was titled Board Statement and the paragraph said “At the January 10, 2024, monthly meeting, the Board placed in front of the membership in attendance the question of how to best handle situations where personnel are not willing to consistently follow established policies, procedures and to uphold KPFL bylaws. The consensus of the voting membership was that anyone unwilling to follow the above mentioned should be terminated from volunteering and having membership .”  2. Megan gave shelter stats report. There were 6 cat intakes, 1 return to us. Zero dog intakes, there were 4 cat adoptions and 3 dog adoptions. At the end of March there were 6 dogs in shelter, 8 dogs in foster, 1 dog waiting to come in. There are 18 cats in shelter, 8 in foster and 3 still available. There are 14 cats to spay/neuter. Four potentials coming in soon. We had 9 cat spay, 6 neuters, & 7 microchips. There were 4 dog spays, 2 neuters, 7 microchips. There were 13 exams, 1 dental and 7 other procedures. Fourteen feral cats were taken to Bonners Ferry Veterinary Clinic and spayed or neutered. The charge was $20 per cat. The feral cats were taken in live traps and after surgery were released back to their neighborhood. Thanks to Dierdre, Juli, Toni and Dee for their work in transporting and getting the job done and the volunteers at the Shelter for preparing the cats for transport and clean up.   3. Juli reported Bonners Ferry will take two feral cats a day if an appointment is made the day before.   4. Sara handed out a financial report. Our income for February was $52,235.54 and Expenses were $12,726.38. Our new income in February was $39,509.26. Our taxes are not due until May. We had $6,458 in bills this month. Tina made a motion to pay bills, second from Megan, voted on and passed. Fund raising, banks, Pay Pal donations will be discussed next time.   5. Faith printed and passed out the Articles of Incorporation and Incorporated ByLaws for each person to review, mark any changes and have ready for our next meeting   6. Juli gave a report on grants. She found KPFL must join as a partner before applying for them. It was discussed and she will join ASPCA, Petco, Pet Smart and Chewy as a partner. We already are a member of Petfinder and Pet Smart. She will try to get Pet Smart and Petfinder passwords and look into them. There is a Montana Pals for Paws that offers $2000 grants. She suggested a vaccine and microchip event in coordination with a spay/neuter day. She will discuss this with Dr. Hawking and see if this is possible and if not maybe another date where just vaccines and microchip are available to the public.   7. A question was asked by Dee as to criteria for accepting animals into the shelter. Policies were discussed. Faith asked to be excused. The meeting carried on.   8. Juli gave a report on microchipping. She found that Fi Nano which we currently use is a much less expensive system than others she looked in to. Fi Nano states that online questions are available and should be handled online and not by phone. Linda made a motion to stay with Fi Nano, Tina seconded it, we voted, and it was passed.   9. Publicizing our services and pets was discussed. The conclusion was that we need someone that would be willing to be our Facebook administrator and keep it up to date with all that it could be used for. Also included was someone willing to take on the webpage.   10. We should not warehouse pets but work for their adoption with quality advertising and publicity. There was no report on letters to volunteers no longer with us or possible fund-raising ideas as Teanne was not at the meeting. This should be discussed at the next meeting.   11. We have open board positions and that need to be addressed at our next meeting. Juli suggested that two officers - the President and Secretary and 3 others are sufficient for Board members. The position of Secretary was discussed. Toni Crace volunteered to take over the position for the remainder of this term. A vote was taken. She was nominated by Dee, seconded by Marge, a vote was taken, and she was elected for the remainder of this term.   12. It was reported that LOR is having a Volunteer Recruitment Drive on May 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Libby Memorial Events Center. The set up is the same morning from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. There was an interest and at our April meeting we will need to make a final decision on how this can be handled. Volunteer recruitment was discussed. Juli asked if we could set up a transportation fund for any volunteer that needs transportation to and from the shelter. No action was taken. Volunteer work was discussed - cleaning takes place first thing in the morning and volunteers are needed. Volunteers are needed for animal care in the morning. The protocols of paper handling, opening, duties and general duties need to be re-evaluated.   13. It was suggested that we have a moderator. The moderator's role is to act as a neutral participant in a debate or discussion, hold participants to time limits and try to keep them from straying off the topic of the questions raised in the discussion.   14. Linda made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40, Juli seconded, voted and passed.   Marge Sullivan, acting Secretary    

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly meeting took place on February 14, 2024 at the shelter at 5:00pm.  
Attending were Faith Lee, Sara Sherman, Linda Andreasen, Gary Armstrong, Marge Sullivan, Matthew Holcomb Lake, Teanne Ungren, Elaine Hammer, Katie Tingey, Megan Hall, Carolyn Story, Nick Calabrese, Julie Hopfer, Heidi McBride, Toni Crace and by phone Deirdre Ruark. 1. Marge read the minutes from our last meeting, January 10. Juli Hopfer took exception to the last line - a consensus of the voting members agree that anyone not following the By Laws and Procedure should be terminated from volunteering/ membership. Several of the members attending the January meeting agreed there was no consensus of the voting members and there was no vote taken.  2. Sara read the Treasurer's report. Our income for January was $13,572, our expenses were $ 11,966. Our net income was $1,606. Banks are Ace - $5.73; City Service Valcon $5.00; Homesteaders - $2.67; Libby Sports - $1.69; Printing Press - $0.52; Rocky Mountain Music - $8.72; Roasters - $6.10; VFW - $22.56 in Libby. Troy banks were 1st MT bank - $28.06; Booze & Bait - $14.01; Mary Anne’s - $80.15. Boutique Brielle - $18.39 Motion by Linda to pay our bills, second by Teanne, motion carries.  3. Faith gave the shelter report. For December we had an intake of 2 cats. We had 5 cats and 6 dogs adopted. We have 7 dogs in Shelter and 11 dog fosters. There are 19 cats in the shelter with 4 in foster and 1 still available. Five cats will be coming in soon. We had 14 cat spays and 4 of those were feral cats. We had 6 neuters and 10 microchips. We had 5 dog spays and 6 microchips. There were 17 exams and 6 other procedures.  4. Old business: Juli gave a report on grants she had found. She has found three that she will pursue further. One grant from ASPCA has restrictions that do not allow paid members on the Board which is contrary to our current setup.  5. New Business: Faith passed out information on several microchip companies. The current one is alright but customer service has been poor. Some have 24 hours service. The biggest factor in differences seems to be customer service. Juli will research several and report next month.  Faith said new bowls for wet food for cats are needed. Discussion of type of bowl/ plate with the suggestion to look at the dollar store and see what is available. Faith said she would check this out.  The yearly fund raising letter was discussed. It was agree we will discuss further next month. Including a membership with the letter was discussed. Teanne will report on some fundraising needs.  Juli brought up the feral cat program. She said the Bonners Ferry Vet Clinic has a $20 feral cat spay/neuter program that will take some cats from Libby & Troy at a clinic once a month. The ferals must be in a live trap when brought in. If we could get 20 cats for March we could try to get this started. Deirdre said she had a contact and could possibly provide 17 cats. Toni Crace has agreed to pull this together and she and Deirdre will confer and try to do a trial run and see how this goes. We expect KPFL may have to come up with some of the funds.  We would like to have a membership form for next month. Marge agreed to work on this.  Everyone was asked to come up with some goals for KPFL. Short, medium and long term goals. Email to kpflmt@gmail.com and we can have a list for next meeting.  It was suggested everyone become familiar with the Articles of Incorporation and our By Laws. Faith will e-mail a copy of each to all.  A group bonding exercise was suggested. Teanne will do the first one. She will let everyone know what is happening.  Gary brought up the topic of the loss of members. The group discussed and agreed for the most part that what happened was not right but we must go forward. We agreed to send a letter to each of these ex-volunteers thanking them for their service and apologizing for the way things were handled. Linda suggested that we have Teanne write a draft letter that the Board will approve and then mail to those that have quit. Gary made a motion to do this, Linda seconded, It was passed.  Juli suggested that volunteers that resign by email should be welcome to volunteer again but would not still hold positions of officers or Board members if that applies to them. Paid employees that resign by letter are still resigned. Linda made a motion to adjourn at 6:10, it was seconded by Juli, voted on and passed.  Minutes by Acting Secretary, Marge Sullivan

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly meeting took place on January 10, 2024 at the shelter at 5:00pm. 
Attending were Faith Lee, Terri Harbst, Bonnie Edmundson, Sara Sherman, Linda Andreason, Katie Tingey, Gary Armstrong, Marge Sullivan, Dr. Kathryn Hawkins, Matthew Holcomb Lake, Nick Calabrese, Julie Hopfer, Dee Shea, Toni Crace and by phone Deirdre Ruark. 
1. Bonnie read the Minutes from December 2023, minutes were approved as read. 
2. Sara read the Treasurer's report. Our income for December was $10,839.00, our expenses were $16,843.00 making a net loss of $6004.00. Bills for January are $6127.00. Motion by Bonnie to pay our bills, Terri second, motion carries. 
3. Terri read the shelter report. For December we had 4 intakes, all dogs. New fosters 8: 3 dogs, 5 cats. Adoptions 9: 3 dogs, 6 cats. End of month we had 6 dogs, 23 cats + 3 outside, and 21 animals in foster. Spay/ neuter 7 cats, 4 dogs, 8 others, 15 exams and 9 microchips. 
4. Fundraising: Boutique Brielle $13.50, 1st Montana Bank $2.00, Booze 'n Bait $5.45, LCCU $8.00, MaryAnn's $50.50. 
5. Old business: 
1.) Katie is trying to organize with LOR for a giant spay/neuter to happen possibly here at the shelter. Montana spay/neuter is a mobile unit, but is booked for all of 2024. Julie says the Humane Society in Missoula has mobile unit. Katie will look into it. Julie will help guide Katie. 
2.) Terri looked into Grant Writer courses. Flathead nor Kalispell have any courses. Cost varies from $20. credit to $600. course. Julie says she will look up and try to write asking for some small grants.
6. New business: 
1.) Dr. Hawkins says she will now note in dog files when she encounters dogs with aggression. She is not pro aggression for adoptive dogs. 
2.) Faith is waiting to hear back about arranging a date to meet with Animal Control and the Health Dept. and Tobacco Valley to discuss cat procedure.Terri suggests getting a "memorandum of understanding" to report a clear delineation regarding cat intakes. All members suggest recording the meeting. 
3.) Bonnie says the Board will be re-writing the By Laws. 
4.) Faith asked Gary to confirm he wants to step down from the Board. He says yes. Motion from Linda to have Deirdre on the Board, Terri second, motion carries. 
5.) A consensus of the voting members agree that anyone not following the By Laws and Procedures should be terminated from volunteering/membership.
Motion at 6:00pm to adjourn by Bonnie first, Faith second, motion carries.Minutes by Bonnie Edmundso