Kootenai Pets for Life
125 County Shop Road, P.O.

Pets Available
for Adoption

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: August 10th, 2015

The meeting was held at the Fireman’s Park.

Attending: Eileen Carney, Tami White, Connie Holthaus, Judy Hyslop, Anita Beasley, Susan Bulyar, Trina Kerzman, Carol McAllister, Bobby McCanse, Beth Murray and Edwina Smith

The meeting began at 6:00 pm with the reading of the minutes from the July 13th meeting. The minutes were approved as read.


The bills for August totaled $1,324.14 in operating costs that included $28.49 to Ron’s appliance. The bills totaled $2,180.29 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping. We also had a $205.29 bill for the Caboose Motel; our visiting vet stayed there while working in the surgery room with Dr. Disney. Judy Hyslop made a motion to pay the bills and Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The motion carried and the bills will be paid.


Home Again; Nominate Your Shelter and you could win $25,000.00. Flyers are at the shelter.

Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. KPFL has 44 cats in the shelter and three in foster care as of July 31st, totaling 47 cats. There are 8 dogs in the shelter and three in foster care as of July 31st, totaling 11 dogs. Total adoptions in 2015; dogs 38 and cats 60.

We have a new volunteer Rob Roderick; from Experian Works. Eric Hoehne has been doing work at the shelter and we hope does more.

Tami White contacted Mild Fence. They have no openings to do the work. Tami requested we get our $370.00 back.

Trina Kerzman will look into doing the photos for Face book, Pet Finder and MT Pets.

Dr. Disney will be at the shelter surgery 8/11, 8/18 and 8/25.

Corrine Wright will do chipping August 18th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Fund Raising Committee:

Banks: Troy $19.00 7/15 Thanks Eileen

Pet Fees: Caboose $80.00 7/31/15

Thrivent: $129.00 8/7/15

Vintage Coll. Treas.: $0.00 they will be moving to the recently vacated Joy of Books.

Blues Fest: KPFL collected $53.00 in the donation jug and sold $86.00 worth of water. We received all the aluminum cans. As always all of our advice was FREE.

Memorials: Clarence & Verna Johnson donated $10.00 in June Barnes name.

The Shelter Improvement letter: KPFL received a $20.00 donation from Harold & Betty Overland. They have given in the past.

New Business:

Karen from Animeals will donate 1,000 lbs. of canned dog and cat food to KPFL. Eureka is also sharing in this bounty. We were given the go ahead to share the food with The Food Pantry, Christian Church food pantry and Christ’s Kitchen. What a great program.

We discussed the making sure that new volunteers are acquainted with the Policies & Procedures at the shelter. Show the new volunteers where the First Aid kit is.

Edwina Smith will bring more information on safety to September’s meeting.

Connie Holthaus made a motion to adjourn as it was rainy and windy at fireman’s park. Judy Hyslop 2nd the motion; the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.

The next meeting will be held on September 14th at 6:00 pm; at the Flathead Valley Community College.

Connie Holthaus minutes ! Volunteers always needed!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: July 13h, 2015

The meeting was held at 6:00 pm at Fireman’s Park

Attending: Eileen Carney, Tami White, Connie Holthaus, Judy Hyslop, Lynn Hagarty, Mike Kroschel, Carol McAllister, Bobby McCanse and Edwina Smith.

Guests: Terry Peck: RSVP Membership and Sandi Moog: visitors at the shelter

Sandy Moog discussed bringing a client from the mental health group to be acclimated with dogs. Five clients and Sandy had visited the shelter in the past. We will discuss times and who will be at the shelter who works with the dogs.

Terry Peck explained the RSVP membership organization. Terry is the supervisor for volunteer coordination. Stations or host sites like KPFL can chose from a list of interested volunteers that could be contacted for an event that could use extra assistance. RSVP has an insurance program

The reading of the minutes from the June 8th meeting began at 6:20 pm. The minutes were approved.

The bills for July totaled $1,241.57 in operating costs and $4,743.19 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping. The bills will be paid.



Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. There were twenty three microchips were done in May. Dr. Disney will be at the shelter on July 21st and 28th. Corinne Wright will do chipping on July 21st from 5:00 – 7:00pm.

On August 4th and 6th Dr. Disney will have a volunteer to help at the shelter in the clinic. This volunteer has been hired to work in Circle. Dr. Disney will also be at the shelter on 8/11, 8/18 and 8/25. Corinne Wright will do chipping August 18th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Cats will travel to Kalispell, on August 18th, to the Flathead Spay/Neuter Task Force clinic.

Dorsey Ausband , Carol McAllister’s niece is not able continue with facebook. Tami White will ask Trina Kerzman if she would be able to help out.

R and Y Cabinets came and measured for the new wooden cabinet in the cat room.

Fund Raising Committee:

Recycling: $229.00 Kootenai Disposal

Banks: Libby $12.77 June Thanks Anita Troy $16.65 June Thanks Eileen

Pet Fees: Caboose $52.00

Memorials: for June Barnes: Greg Stickney $50.00, Mitzi Smart $25.00 and Margaret Molinelli $20.00

Vint. Coll. Treas. - $175.48: May, June and July

The Shelter Improvement letter has made $650.00 so far.

New Business:

Riverfront Blues Fest recycling: Jennifer Nelson from the county will coordinate recycling at the fest. KPFL will sell water and give FREE advice.

Fence bid R and Y.

Eileen Carney will be gone August 31st but will return for the August 10th meeting.

Tami White made a motion to adjourn.

Judy Hyslop 2nd the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. The next meeting will be on August 10th at 6:00 pm at Fireman’s Park behind the chamber.

Connie Holthaus minutes ! Volunteers always needed!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: June 8, 2015

The meeting was held at Fireman’s Park at 6:00 pm.

Attending: Eileen Carney, Tami White, Judy Hyslop, Susan Bulyar, Beth Murray, and Trina Kerzman

Judy Hyslop read the minutes from the May 11th meeting. Tami White made a motion to approve the minutes and Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The minutes were approved. Judy Hyslop will be taking minutes while Connie Holthaus is on vacation.

The bills for June totaled $1,952.57 in operating costs and $3,507.37 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping. Tami White made a motion to pay the June bills and Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The motion passed and the bills will be paid.


Tami White is looking for people to help out walking dogs in the Logger Day parade on June 27, 2015.

Trina Kerzman manned the KPFL table at Family Day in the Park on May 16. Tami White did take 1 dog; $6.50 was collected in the donation jug.

Trina Kerzman also manned the KPFL table at the Firefighter challenge on June 6. We took in $20.00.

Trina contacted the person about “Jamberryâ€. It was decided that KPFL was not in a position to work with this fundraising idea at this time.

Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. As of the end of May there were 48 cats (many are new kittens) and 8 dogs in the shelter. Intake for May: 18, 5 dogs and 13 cats with 3 cats returned. Adoptions for May: 13, 5 dogs and 8 cats. In foster are 1 cat and 5 dogs.

Butler Electric did fix lights in the cat room and dog area.

Tami reported that she had a Brownie Troop of 7 girls and 2 adults tour the shelter. They all had a good time.

It was discussed and approved for Tami to contact Mild Fence to have them put tops on 2 inside and 2 outside kennels (this is needed for active dogs that can climb out of fences) We have 2 kennels like this on one side of the kennels. This will give us 4 kennels with covers. She will also ask about putting a total covering on the top of one of the outside “small†play yards for these same dogs.

Tami White worked with the high school group called “Rotary interactive Club on May 5th. Things went well. We hope to see more of these 12 students in this summer.

KPFL received $106.50 from Sara Davis and students in the Honor Society in Troy. In addition to this money, the students brought a generous amount of animal food to the KPFL shelter.

20 cats and kittens traveled to Flathead S/N Task Force on June 23rd. Corinne Wright did micro chipping on June 23, 2015 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. KPFL truly appreciates that Corinne is keeping all the cats and dogs at the shelter updated on their microchips. Adopters seem pleased that the KPFL animals are micro chipped and we have had total acceptance of the small fee increase due to micro chipping.

Dr. Disney will be doing spay/neuter at KPFL on Tuesday, June 2, 9, 16 and 30.

Fund Raising Committee:

Banks: Libby $30.63 May Troy $16.65 June

Pet Fees: Caboose $128.00 May

Shelter Improvement total: $650.00

New Business:

The spay/neuter room air conditioner supported by the Thrivent cookie sale was installed by Lorry Dotson. It is greatly appreciated and is making a world of difference.

There was discussion of getting a new wooden cabinet to replace the metal cabinet in the cat area. The wooden cabinet would be hung on the wall. The metal cabinet needs to be disposed of. Judy Hyslop will look into this.

Trina Kerzman made a motion to adjourn. Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. The next meeting will be on Monday July 13th at 6:00 pm at Fireman’s Park.

Judy Hyslop minutes

! Volunteers always needed!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: May 11th, 2015

The meeting was held at The Flathead Valley Community College at 6:00 pm


Eileen Carney, Tami White, Judy Hyslop, Susan Bulyar, Beth Murray, Lynn Hagarty and Trina Kerzman

Judy Hyslop read the minutes from the April 13th meeting. Tami White made a motion to approve the minutes and Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The minutes were approved. Judy Hyslop will be taking minutes while Connie Holthaus is on vacation.

The bills for May totaled $1,225.86 in operating costs and $1,826.82 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping. Trina Kerzman made a motion to pay the April bills and Susan Bulyar 2nd the motion. The motion passed and the bills will be paid.


Libby Logger Days was discussed; Tami White will work on the parade and Eileen Carney will get the form filled out for the dates June 25-28 2015. Trina Kerzman will man the KPFL table at Family Day in the Park on May 16. Tami White will bring a dog. Trina Kerzman will also man the KPFL table at the Firefighter challenge on June 6. Judy Hyslop will get all the necessary supplies to Trina and will also get the donation jug for her. Judy Hyslop presented a booklet about “Jamberryâ€, a fundraising idea that was given to her. Trina Kerzman is familiar with Jamberry and will contact the person and report on that possibility next month.

Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. As of April 30th there were 38 cats and 4 dogs in the shelter. Intake for April: 16, 8 dogs and 8 cats with 2 cats returned. Adoptions for April: 11, 7 dogs and 4 cats. In foster are 1 cat and 5 dogs.

Butler Electric will fix lights in the cat room and dog area.

On April 15 KPFL hosted a class of 12 Head Start 4 & 5 year olds and 5 adults.

Tami White spoke to a high school group called “Rotary Interactive Club on May 4th. 12 students in this club are going to volunteer at the shelter tomorrow.

Tami White reported that a teacher - Sara Davis is working with students in the Honor Society in Troy on a project that will bring animal food to the KPFL shelter.

Cats will travel to Flathead S/N Task Force on May 19th. Corinne Wright will do chipping on May 19th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Dr. Disney will be doing spay/neuter at KPFL on Tuesday, May 5 and May 12. Dr. Disney will be in Great Falls helping out another vet on Tues, May 19 and May 26. He will be holding Spay/Neuter clinics in June on June 2nd, 9th, 16th and 30th.

The new animal weigh scale is up and working very well. We are now weighing each animal before spay and neuter and also weighing animals upon intake into the shelter. This helps us keep better health records on the animals. KPFL is also inviting the public to use the scale during our hours of operation if they wish to weigh their animals. People can call the shelter (293-5735) to make an appointment to bring their animal in to be weighed.

Fund Raising Committee:

Recycling: $253.25 May from Kootenai Disposal

Banks: Libby $30.63 May Troy, $6.40 May

Pet Fees: Caboose $128.00 May

The Shelter Improvement letter made $100.00 in May

New Business:

The spay/neuter room air conditioner supported by the Thrivent cookie sale has been purchased by Bev Jacobs. Bev has spoken with Bob Shroeder who will be installing the air conditioner within the next 2 weeks.

Susan Bulyar made a motion to adjourn. Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm. The next meeting will be on June 8th at 6:00 pm at Fireman’s Park.

Judy Hyslop minutes


! Volunteers always needed!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: April 13th, 2015

The meeting was held at The Flathead Valley Community College at 6:00 pm


Eileen Carney, Tami White, Connie Holthaus, Judy Hyslop, Anita Beasley, Susan Bulyar, Bev Jacobs, Bobby McCanse and Beth Murray

The reading of the minutes from the March 9th meeting began at 6:00 pm. Judy Hyslop made a motion to approve the minutes and Bev Jacobs 2nd the motion. The minutes were approved.

The bills for April totaled $1,291.76 in operating costs and $4,113.08 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping. Judy Hyslop made a motion to pay the April bills and Susan Bulyar 2nd the motion. The motion passed and the bills will be paid.


The Libby Logger Days flyer; with information on the dates June 25-28 2015.

Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. As of March 31st there were 33 cats in the shelter. There are seven dogs in the shelter and two in foster care with a total of nine dogs in the system.

Cats will travel to Flathead S/N Task Force on April 21st. Corinne Wright will do chipping on April 21st from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

KPFL has a new walk on scale for larger animals. It will be up and running soon.

Fund Raising Committee:

Recycling: $253.25 April Kootenai Disposal

Banks: Libby $0.00 April Troy, $6.40 April

Pet Fees: Caboose $0.00 April

No new tiles

Memorials: for Al Corda $100.00 and $295.00 for Mr. Kratofil

Thrivent - $32.00 April

Vint. Coll. Treas. - $248.55 March; rummage sale items

The Curves fundraiser made $30.00 in membership sales and $188.85 in the donation jug.

The Shelter Improvement letter has made $550.00 so far.

New Business:

The Health Fair took place Saturday April 11, 2015 from 9:30 – 12:30 at The Memorial center. KPFL gave out healthy snacks and 80 of our informational brochures. A lot of the public gave us the ol’ thumbs up when they saw our table and stopped to talk.

The Thrivent cookie sale took place Friday April 17th; spearheaded by Bev Jacobs from Thrivent. We started selling cookies at 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Thrivent and Kootenai Pets for Life made $302.00 in cookie sales for the air conditioner that is needed in the surgery room. We also made $83.48 in the donation jug.

Many members baked cookies for the sale: Susan Bulyar, Connie Holthaus, Bev Jacobs, Lauri Mari, Bobby McCanse, Linda Rodriguez, Julie Shadle, Marge Sullivan and Tami White.

Thank you all for a great fundraiser!

Connie Holthaus made a motion to adjourn. Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm. The next meeting will be on May 11th at 6:00 pm at the Flathead Valley Community College.

Connie Holthaus minutes ! Volunteers always needed!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: March 9th, 2015

The meeting was held at the Flathead Valley Comm. College.


Eileen Carney, Tami White, Connie Holthaus, Judy Hyslop, Anita Beasley, Susan Bulyar, Lynn Hagarty, Trina Kerzman, Carol McAllister, Bobby McCanse, Beth Murray, Roxanna Parker

Guests included Bev Jacobs; Thrivent Choice andKim Griffiths; contract worker

The evening began at 5:00 pm with envelope stuffing for the Kootenai Pets for Life Shelter Improvement Project. Pizza was served at the gathering as well as lively conversation.

The regular meeting began at 6:00 pm with the reading of the minutes from the February 9th meeting. The minutes were approved as read.


The bills for March totaled $1,752.62 in operating costs including $175.76 for two oxygen tanks, $74.48 USPS for stamps for the Shelter Improvement letter and $92.00 for PO Box rental for this year. The bills totaled $4,254.77for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping including $499.50 for Intervet for microchips and $709.50 for Zoetis (meds). Tami White made a motion to pay the bills and Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The motion carried and the bills will be paid.


EPA stating that the property at 125 County Shop Rd. does not require cleanup. The letter and attached sketch will be retained in the Kootenai Pets for Life’s property records.

Shelter Report:

All animals at the shelter are chipped. Fifteen cats will travel to Flathead spay/ neuter Task Force on March 24th. Dr. Disney will be at the shelter March 17th and 24th. Corinne Wright was out of microchips; more are on order.

Wilma Dotson sent dog toys and cat blankets to the shelter for the new Karunda beds. Thanks Wilma!

Fund Raising Committee:

Recycling: $212.75 Kootenai Disposal

Banks: Libby $48.14 Anita Beasley is picking up the $$ in Libby Troy $13.35

Pet Fees Caboose $36.00

Thrivent - $982.00

Vint. Coll. Treas. - $0.00. KPFL was moved to the center of the back area. This may give us more traffic as our sign is visible from the front door.

Kootenai Pets for Life cleared $3,527.05 on our rummage sale.

Winners of the raffle were; hand crafted quilt Eileen Carney, Rosauers $100.00 gift card Lisa Bargo, handbag Jean Buhl, Suncatcher Jean Buhl and pet carrier Jim Smart.

The excess rummage was given to The Senior Citizens Organization, Achievements and The International Messengers.

Curves fund raiser Connie Holthaus contacted Jonette J. Tubb and will set up dates for ticket sales at Rosauers.

Bev Jacobs explained Thrivent choice dollars and why KPFL is getting them. Tami White filled out paper work for Thrivent monies. Members receive $250.00 per year through bonds, insurance or annuities to use as they wish. We are also partnering with Thrivent on a cookie sale at Rosauers.

KPFL will use Thrivent’s sign and t-shirts while selling cookies. We may have pet cookies to sell also. The date for this project is Friday April 17th from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

New Business:


Connie Holthaus, Bobby McCanse, Lynn Hagarty and Susan Bulyar are all willing to serve again. Tami White made a motion to accept the nominees and Carol McAllister 2nd the motion. The motion carried.

President Eileen Carney

VP/Shelter Director Tami White

Secretary Connie Holthaus

Treasurer Judy Hyslop

The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

The next meeting will be held on April 13th at 6:00 pm; at the Flathead Valley Community College.

Connie Holthaus minutes ! Volunteers always needed!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: February 9th, 2015

The meeting was held at The Flathead Valley Community College at 6:00 pm

Attending: Eileen Carney, Tami White, Connie Holthaus, Judy Hyslop, Anita Beasley, Barb Booher, Trina Kerzman and Beth Murray

The reading of the minutes from the January 12th meeting began at 6:00 pm. Judy Hyslop made a motion to approve the minutes and Beth Murray 2nd the motion. The minutes were approved.

At 6:15 Barb Booher, who completes the monthly stats, presented Trap Free Montana Lands. Trapper House Bill #212. HB #212 reaffirms that trapping is a form of hunting. This bill did pass the House. The Bill is now being heard in the Senate Fish and Game Committee. Please call Chaz Vincent’s phone #406 444 4800 to the capitol secretary and leave your name, address, your phone number or e-mail and please ask Senators to vote no for the Constitutional amendment change. The meeting is on February 10th at 3:00 pm.

Barb Booher, Tami White and Judy Hyslop had met to update and fine tune the stats and add information from the Feral/Stray Program. The stats are always available at the shelter.

Eileen Carney and Judy Hyslop met with the County Commissioners as there are new members. KPFL was well received.

The bills for February totaled $1,506.75 in operating costs including $40.00 to Ron’s Appliance Service for installation of newer washer, $25.00 Mtn. Mini Storage for unit #66 for the rummage sale and $8.00 to Yaak River Creations for correcting the phone number on the volunteer banner. $4,143.44 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations, chipping also including $139.40 to Bonners Ferry Vet Clinic and $34.00 to Treasure Valley Vet Clinic; Tami White made a motion to pay the February bills and Judy Hyslop 2nd the motion. The motion passed and the bills will be paid.


Peak Time; Flathead Electric wants to save us money

Office of the Governor Mr. Steve Bullock KPFL nominated for an award from one of our peers in the community.

US EPA; the property at 125 County Shop Rd does not require cleanup at this time.

Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. Intakes were 9 cats and 3 dogs. Three dogs were returned. Two dogs are in foster care; Roxy and Bella. Four dogs are in the shelter. Mia (cat) a special case had FIP and was euthanized. We have a WEX worker; Samantha. Trina Kerzman helped in the office as Claire Evans was in Hawaii….niiiiccccceee. Susan Bulyar will be back at the shelter February 17th. Welcome back Susan!

Butlers Electric has fixed the lights. There are a few more items for him to attend to. Edwina Smith has someone to fix the fencing. We need a play yard with a cover.

Dr. Disney will be at the shelter Tuesdays - February 10th, 17th, 24th

Cats will travel to the Flathead Spay and Neuter on Tuesday February 24th. Corinne Wright will do chipping at the shelter on February 24th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Corinne did 81 chips in 2014.

Old Business:

Recycling: $212.75 , February, Kootenai Disposal

Banks: Libby $ 11.08 Feb. Troy, $10.00 Feb.

Pet Fees: Caboose $52.00 Feb.

Thrivent - $207.00 Feb.

Vint. Coll. Treas. - $3.40 Feb.

Lincoln County Combined Campaign $1,573.91

Rummage Sale; February 27th Friday 8:00 am -5:00pm set up. 5:00 pm open for business. February 28th, Saturday 10:00am – 4:00 pm. 4:00 pm + cleanup.

Curves Fundraiser – call Jonette Johnston-Tubb for information on the activity.

The Bob Barker application was brought to the meeting. Trina Kerzman will call and see what we can get from ol’ Bob.

The gift from Sandy Gerber the Karunda cat tower is at Beth Murrays office. A thank you card was mailed to Sandy.

New Business:

The shelter Improvement letter to KPFL supporters was discussed. We have already received a $100.00 check for this fundraiser.

The letter stuffing will begin at 5:00 pm; with pizza for a snack on Monday March 9th. Volunteers should be on the lookout as to what needs improvement at the shelter. A cooling system for the surgery room was discussed.

A list was filled out for those who are going to volunteer at the rummage sale. Thank you!

Beth Murray made a motion to adjourn.

Connie Holthaus 2nd the motion. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. The next meeting will be on March 9th at 6:00 pm at the Flathead Valley Community College.

Connie Holthaus minutes ! Volunteers always needed!!

Kootenai Pets for Life monthly minutes: January 12, 2015

The meeting was held at The Antlers; Flathead Valley Comm. College was not available.


Eileen Carney, Tami White, Connie Holthaus, Judy Hyslop, Lynn Hagarty and Carol McAllister.

A new person interested in volunteering at the shelter was introduced; Trina Kerzman, welcome Trina.

The meeting began at 6:05 pm with the reading of the minutes from the November 10th meeting as we had no meeting in December. Minutes were approved by vote after a motion was made by Judy Hyslop and seconded by Tami White.


The bills for January totaled $2,394.16 in operating costs including Melissa Beck $655.00 taxes, Butler’s Electric, Inc. $175.55 light maintenance and Duane Volkenand $125.00 snow plowing. The bills totaled $4,459.93 for vet bills, mileage, vaccinations and chipping including $1,643.46 to MWI for meds and vet supplies.

Judy Hyslop made a motion to pay January’s bills and Carol McAllister 2nd the motion. The motion carried and the bills will be paid.


The Sands Foundation approval letter was for $5,000.00.

Humane Society membership renewal is not a membership that KPFL continues.

Community Action Partnership of NW Montana (WEX Contracts update). The forms are to be completed by Tami White.

Thrivent information for the shelter; monies used to pay off the purchase of the new computer at Alpha Computers.

Shelter Report:

Tami White gave the shelter report. Total adoptions in 2014 - Dogs 104 Cats 162 ducks 5 hens 5. Intakes: 15 animals (4 dogs, 1 cat, 5 ducks and 5 hens). No animals are in foster care. Three dogs are in the shelter and 46 cats.

Volunteers are always needed.

KPFL spayef or neutered 587 animals in 2014.

All animals at the shelter are chipped.

KPFL will travel to Flathead spay and neuter on January 20 with cats.

Corrine Wright will do vacs and chipping January 20th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Dr. Disney will be at the shelter on January 6th, 16th and 27th.

The adoption committee for dogs includes Tami White, Lynn Hagarty, Edwina Smith, Carol McAllister and new member Trina Kerzman.

The adoption committee for cats includes Judy Hyslop, Tami White, Beth Murray and Susan Bulyar.

Old Business:

Fund Raising Committee

Recycling: $224.00 January

Banks: Libby 0.00 Troy $6.85 (December)

Pet Fees Caboose $28.00 (December)

Thrivent - $172.00

Vint. Coll. Treas. - $56.18 (December)

Cabinet Mountain Brewery Co. fund raiser for KPFL $82.00.

The Rummage Sale, at the Ponderosa Room, will be held on February 27th and 28th. Set up on Friday at 8:00 am and sale begins at 5:00 pm. Saturday at 9:00 am until 4:00 pm.

Eileen Carney, Carol McAllister, Roxanne Parker and Connie Holthaus attended the City Council meeting on January 5th at 7pm pm to request waiving the fee for the rental of the Ponderosa Room for the rummage sale. The council approved our request.

KPFL also has a raffle with tickets to be sold that were handed out at the meeting. Items for the raffle are a $100.00 Rosauers gift card, a handmade quilt made by Tender Lovin’ Quilters donated by Carol McAllister, a pet carrier, a purse and a suncatcher donated by Jean Buhl.

KPFL needs new Koranda beds for the dogs and cat trees; in the shelter. Tami will check with Kenni Ann Schauer and Beth Murray as to what kind are needed.

The KPFL open house conflicted with a lot of other Christmas activities. But the shelter was spruced up and treats were provided. We need to do another one maybe in May? Some of the public still aren’t aware where the shelter is.

New Business:

Eileen made a suggestion to recycle bedding rather than tossing.

There is an E-cycling program once a year that Jennifer Nelson heads up in the community.

The Shelter Improvement Letter; this will happen in March and we will most likely have a pizza get together, before the regular meeting, to stuff envelopes.

We discussed the use of Thrivent money. Air conditioning /cooling system in the spay/neuter room was an item or paying for rabies tags. Judy Hyslop made a motion to designate the funds for air conditioning. Connie Holthaus seconded the motion. The motion carried and we will look into pricing the system.

The Bob Barker grant that we acquired a few years ago was discussed. See if we can get an application.

KPFL received items from the Care Center Employees fundraiser; Operation Santa Paws. Pet food, blankets, toys and a cat bed, harness and a cat collar were donated. They want to do another one for KPFL.

Carol McAllister made a motion to adjourn. Judy Hyslop seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.

The next meeting will be held on February the 9th at 6:00 pm; at the Flathead Valley Community College.

Connie Holthaus minutes ! Volunteers always needed!

To view older Minutes, please click here