Kootenai Pets for Life
125 County Shop Road, P.O.

Regular Membership - $5.00 per year

Sponsor - $25 per year

Contributing - $5.00 per month for a year ($60)

Silver - $75 per year

Gold - $100 per year Life - $1,000

Benefactor - $5,000

Pets Available
for Adoption


You can be an active or silent member - the choice is yours. As a member you are entitled to vote at the meetings.

You can also donate time as a volunteer, become a foster parent, or donate goods or money.

All memberships & donations are tax deductible. All funds go to benefit the abandoned pets. We have no paid employees - everyone is a volunteer.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please e-mail or call 406-293-kpfl

You decide what you can do to help. If you have questions about membership, please ask. If you would like to join you can send payment to P.O. Box 1454, Libby, MT 59923